Monday, January 5, 2009


Happy New Year everyone. Late again I know, but we had no babysitters so were in bed, asleep by 11pm, LOL! However Scott got up early & took some lovely shots of the sunrise, see his blog.
Daniel is crazy about penguins at the moment, so look what I did to my kids, LOL! They think it is great & I am gonna make them into a soft toy each too (sometime) Thanks to Danice for the snowflake paper, I didn't buy any cos I thought I would never use it, but.......

I finally did my smurf LO. It took ages cutting all the tiny things out, but I am pleased with the result.


Anonymous said...

cool LO
so many happy memories are hidden in this wood

Danice said...

hehehe the smurfs are so cute! worth cutting them all out

Anonymous said...

Very seriously cute layouts! I've yet to join Mr 7 up properly - we always seem to have issues with part of the process. One day maybe!